Have a nice, entertaining afternoon with Dora & Bison in Spain...

Sevilla’s Hottest Tour!

Enjoy a glimpse of Sevilla. Learn the city's history with unique meal experiences & a (semi-professional) photographic record of your tour.

Buy Tickets Now 

What’s Included?

Chocolate con Churros

30 minutes

Start your tour off right with a belly full of Sevilla’s distinctive churros at Spala.

Iglesia del Salvador

30 minutes

Visit this beautifully-designed hidden gem where you can buy tickets to skip the line at the Catedral.

The Cathedral

60 minutes

Explore this astonishing Cathedral, the largest Gothic cathedral in the world and home to Columbus’s bones.

La Giralda

30 minutes

Climb this 450-foot tall former-minaret bell tower— in the hoofsteps of a Moorish donkey— for expansive views of the city.


60 minutes

Feast at this wall-planted restaurant.

Archive of the Indies

30 minutes

Roam the archive where Spanish explorers’ maps & historical documents are stored. (Time permitting...)

Tours are available on weekends, departing from Plaza del Triunfo at 10:30AM.

Meet Your Tour Guides

Dora McCotter-Hulett

Dora studies social science at school and has read Rick Steve's to provide an informative tour for your visit. Dora speaks two languages— including Spanish.

Bison McCotter-Hulett

Bison is an educated student and he’s eight years old. He loves fútbol.

Buy Tickets

General Admission


Includes meals & passes for all sites.


Friends & Family


Includes meals & passes for all sites.
